
dimanche 9 octobre 2016

How to Stretch the Anterior Deltoid

How to Stretch the Anterior Deltoid

To Stretch the Anterior Deltoid muscle start by standing erect, grasp your hands together, comfortably, behind your back pushing your arms back as far as possible.

Now slowly raise your arms up behind your back while pushing your chest out and pulling your chin in. Hold this exercise for a count of 10, then slowly lower your arms down.

This exercise focuses primarily on the Anterior Deltoid, and secondarily on the Pectoralis Major, Biceps Brachii, with additional stretching to the Brachialis, Brachioradialis and Extensor Muscle Group.

Benefits of Anterior Deltoid Stretching:

    Increase deltoid/shoulder flexibility
    Improve circulation to your chest, shoulders and arms
    Loosen shoulder/chest muscles prior to any strenuous exercises involving any aspect of your upper body

    After exercises these stretches help avoid any cramping due to the tightening of these muscles during your exercise routine


Stretching: How to Stretch the Forearm Muscles

In the left pictograph we are stretching the ‘extensor muscles’ of the wrist.
Start by extending your arm straight out in front of you and flex your wrist, palm to your body. Use your other hand to grasp the outer portion of your hand and slowly pull it towards your inner forearm, keeping your elbow extended throughout the stretch.
The muscles you are stretching in the exercise are the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris, and anconeus.
In the right pictograph we are stretching the ‘wrist flexor muscles’.
This time extend your arm with the palm facing outward, with your other had grasp your upper palm and finger area, and slowly pull your fingers towards the top part of your forearm.
This exercise is for stretching the palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, superficial and deep finger flexors, and supinator.
Benefits of Forearm Stretching
  1.  Increase forearm flexibility
  2.  Improve circulation to your lower arms and fingers
  3.  Help improve finger dexterity
  4.  Loosen forearm muscles prior to any strenuous exercises involving any aspect of your arms
  5.  After exercises these stretches help avoid any cramping due to the tightening of these muscles during your exercise routine


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